Every parent wants to see their children happy and what could make them happier than a trip to Disney Land? This will fill your kids with sheer joy and pleasure. Some parents worry that this place might not be as good for toddlers, well how could it not be? Some people think that it’s not wise enough to have a vacation to Disney Land with toddlers because parents think that they may not remember this trip as they are too young. Well, your fear might be right but at least they may enjoy more than grown-ups and it could be the right time for you to strengthen your bond.
Here are few tips that will make your trip much easy and more fun.
Read Disney books or watch movies
This is a very important thing to do. Because if your toddlers don’t know who is Mickey mouse, buzz lightyear, or Cinderella then for them it would be just like any other park. They have to be thrilled to meet their favorite character. It’s a simple thing to do. Children’s love cartoon and when they feel themselves that they are actually in that movie with their favorite character then their excitement get doubled.

Let them play
I’ve seen parents that strictly follow rules and try to control their children pretty harshly. For once let them live by themselves and give them a chance to explore on their own. If they make mistakes let them be, it’s a good way for them to learn. Keep an eye on them but if they demand to go on a specific ride or play some certain game, allow them and let them decide, it will boost their courage that my parents listen to me and respect my opinion.

Take it easy
People often ask me which Disney park is the best suited for toddlers. While Magic Kingdom has much more for toddlers with the most options for rides. Epcot gives you space for walking and has an aquarium. The Animal Kingdom has wild animals. And Hollywood Studios have some special thematic restaurants, there is something different for toddlers in each of the theme parks. But doing one park at a time is probably easier on them and you don’t want them to see everything in a rush. That’s how you get the most out of your experience.

Stay at Disney hotel if possible
If you have the resources then you should consider staying at Disney resort hotels. They have a lot to offer especially if you’re visiting with a toddler. You don’t have to stress about leaving for a hotel at night or hurry in the morning to reach the park. You can also have some time to relax and take naps too. Otherwise, you have to go to your hotels for naps or get pretty exhausted after spending the whole day. The resort also has some on-site entertainment for toddlers that will also keep them busy.

Come prepared
Some people rely on stalls and buy things on the go. But the thing is Disney Land is a very crowded place and you might have to come prepared for this. You can bring food, drinks, and snacks for your children otherwise you and your child have to wait in long lines to get something to eat which is a big turn-off. Disney Land allows you to bring your own food drinks and water and one should avail of that offer so that you don’t have to wait in queues to get expensive food from the park.

Let some steam off
With all the hype that comes with a trip to Disney World, it’s important to remind yourself that it is supposed to be a fun activity, not work. Some parents I saw looked like they were on a mission to get as many rides and see as much as they can in one day. Personally, this sounds like a recipe for a stupid thing to me. A trip like this will become exhausting, especially with young children, but keep this thing in mind, just enjoy the time spend with your family and not put too much stress on yourself.

Plan your trip
I’ve seen families who spend most of their time sleeping and they miss all the fun rides because most famous rides get too crowded too quickly. So the tip here is to get up early and book these rides as early as possible, you can have plenty of time to recover from your sleep deprivation but the regret of missing those extra special rides could be a burden for you. Also try to plan your vacation at such dates that they do not cover some special holidays, summer or winter breaks because at that time these places are pretty much jammed up and tickets are also quite expensive.

Strollers will be your best friend
Make sure to bring strollers, Disney Land allows you to bring your stroller if they meet the restricted criteria. They might come in handy because those little feet can’t take that much walking and also you don’t want to carry your loved ones everywhere. You can also rent one from there in single and double sizes if yours doesn’t fit the matched criteria.

Book character breakfast or dinner
If you love your kid, which you surely do and want to spend some more to make this trip much more memorable for him. Book your child’s favorite character breakfast or dinner. This not only makes your toddler happy but they can get close and also get trouble-free access to unique pictures.
Disney Land is a dreamy and fun place which has a lot to offer for people of all age. In the end, I hope you’ll be glad that you took this trip to Disney World. It will be a great opportunity to spend quality time with your family and nice to see your kids enjoy the park with the innocence of a young child.